The Daycroft School Foundation supports education in a Christian Science environment. We give grants to non-profit organizations that serve children and young people and that focus on promoting spiritual growth and character development. Daycroft especially looks for fresh opportunities and new programs where initial backing would be particularly helpful. In addition, the Foundation occasionally spearheads its own initiatives to support young Christian Scientists and spiritually-based education.
Daycroft’s official mission statement: To bring the universal truths of Christian Science to the education of young people. This education nurtures individual unfoldment and spiritual growth, which bless the world.
Gratitude . . .
From a parent of campers: “As in the past two years, our sons returned home from camp this summer with funny, heart-warming stories. However the letters sent home during their 4 weeks were the kind of letters that tell us they are becoming good, strong thinkers, unselfish and caring of others.”
From a teen participant in the National Leadership Council program: “This program has helped to make me who I am. It has helped me gain confidence and get more involved with community service, as well as make me want to be a better Christian Scientists. Not to mention the wonderful support of my peers, and love you feel when you walk into a room with them!”
From a parent of a scholarship recipient: “Thanks to the Daycoft Foundation for the generous gift to our daughter. She is having a fantastic year at school. It brings tears to my eyes to see her so happy and comfortable. If you knew her before, you would understand why. Now she’s become a happy, well-rounded young lady. This year she’s decided to really break out of her shell and strive to be the best she can.”